Tips to prepare your home for the unexpected

Thursday May 28th, 2020


While spending more time at home, it’s critical that you take the necessary steps to help ensure your family is prepared in the event a home fire or carbon monoxide (CO) leak occurs. CO is the number one cause of accidental poisoning in Canada and, according to the Canadian National Fire Information Database, 80 per cent of fire deaths occur in homes without working smoke alarms. Make sure your home is ready for anything with the following tips and tools. Alarm your... [read more]

Keeping carbon monoxide out of your home

Friday Dec 18th, 2020

co safety at home

We tend to spend more time indoors in the winter, and indoor use of certain fuel-burning products could result in dangerous air contaminants like carbon monoxide building up in your home.   CO is a tasteless, odourless, and colourless gas. Common sources include household heating and cooking appliances, generators, furnaces, and engines that burn wood or gas.  Carbon monoxide can cause health problems before you even notice... [read more]



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